You might be a redneck if.....
You take pictures of your road burn that you inflicted upon your ankle while falling off your son's go-cart.

You take pictures of your wood pile because three people have said.....

"That's pretty" and you think so too.

The cute shoes you bought two days ago for your baby are now wet and dirty from falling in the creek and you think their still so dang cute that you put them in your flower pot and took a picture.

You actually have a red neck!
That is freaking awesome. The shoe pic is perfect for a bathroom, for some reason, I can totally see it propped up on a shelf next to a fern....
Your "baby" sure has gargantuan feet. That there wood pile is right purty though.
Well, between the pictures of your road rash and the 1st degree sunburn and stories of your mole, I'm beginning to wonder... what's next?
What other dermatological maladies will you be springing on us? Corns, warts and bedsores?
Nice wood.
I want to thank all of you for not mentioning that my foot looks like that of an 80 year old woman. Look at that swollen ankle! Would someone please rub some lotion on that flaky dry skin?
Hope4grace, Thanks! At least I think. I told Clay that I finally learned how to use my camera....I'm taking much better pictures these days....even if they are only worthy to put in the bathroom.
Crunchy, have I told you about the time I got a terrible bacterial infection in my nose? I so wish I had pictures of that one....let me see if I can attempt to spell emphantigo, impentigo...whatever it's gross.
Swollen ankles. Are you sure you're not pregnant?
Impetigo? Yum. I bet Clay spent more time out in the chicken coop during that time, eh?
Actually, the crustly skin infection of my nostrils was when I was in 5th grade and couldn't keep my fingers from pickin' at the scabs...I don't thinks Clay and I were married yet, but I think we were engaged.
If I'm pregnant then God help us all....nobody needs to see that again, seriously.
April, I think I made the wife mad last night laughing and elbowing her in the ribs saying, "look honey, loook...Ha Ha.") she wasn't feeling well so I guess she didn't really get it. By the way I wasn't laughing at you, it was with you. Last year on momorial day, I broke both bones in my right arm needing two metal plates and 12 screws to repair. I did this skateboarding with my kids! (I still do by the way!) I say live life and show off the scars. Go girl Go!
P.S. I was the Dummy who deleted my own post. I read it after posting and I sounded like I had had a two martini breakfast or something. ;-)
P- I'm lucky I didn't peel all the skin off my left side...I was wearing my garden gloves, jeans and my garden clogs hence the raw ankle.
That was most certainly a compliment. I always make sure to have awesome pictures in my bathroom cause guests always "check it out". Heaven forbid that I have a sad, undecorated bathroom!!!!
Okay now I'm gonna have to post about bathroom decorating...
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