Because of this fella.....
I got me this and..

this here one and .....

then I went and got one of these and....

good Lord, I got me this here too!

They are why I get to celebrate Mother's Day.
I also have a couple of these on the back porch and I know if I wasn't a mother I would never sacrifice a Rubbermaid container for something that we picked up in the middle of the road.
You have a great looking family. And a nice turtle.
I love how you put your man first!!
Even before those gorgeous kiddos!
Slow and steady wins the turtle and mothering race it seems...
Happy Mother's Day, April! You know what's what!
Adorable!!! Happy belated mother's day, I'm running behind here!
Love the turtles. I knew I had become the mother of sons when I stuck my hands in my pockets one day and pulled out match box cars and marbles instead of just the hairbows I used to have in there.
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