Monday, January 19, 2009

Quit yer doin'!

I've been working on a couple of posts, but I can't seem to finish them, which means I should just give up and write about whatever. And of course make a list.

1. Thank you all for the advice, tips and directions with coupons. I'm overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I've decided my best way to save money is to stay home and not spend any money whatsoever. I do have some coupons from Target that I keep moving from one spot to another in my kitchen wondering if I'll use them. I don't like to go into Target, it's too tempting for me to look at other things.

2. I went to the Family Promise Network training on Saturday. The director of the program is an amazing young woman. I learned that most of the guests in the program have never been homeless, we should never, ever, ever use the word homeless when referring to the guests in the program and the BIG, BIG thing we were taught was to treat all the people in the program with dignity. I'm looking forward to helping when my church is host again, or maybe I won't have to help because there will be no need. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

3. I cleaned out my mudroom today. It's really just a closet, but it did have a lot of mud in it and cat pee and animal food and one broken dvd player.

4. I've decided I have that seasonal disorder thing. When it gets too cold and cloudy, I shut down, can't move, don't want to do anything, find everything boring and can't organize my life. I wonder if I could get one of those lights and strap it to my face? Or my butt?

5. I was washing dishes and talking to Clay yesterday and after multiple attempts to make me stop talking, Levi said, "Mom! Quit yer doin'!" I think I'll start saying that to people when I want them to stop. Quit yer doin'!

6. I spoke to the pig farmer yesterday and he has new baby pigs!! So, Coal Creek will have little piglets soon and very soon.

7. Remember when I used to do pottery? sniff sniff.....sigh. Someday, I'll get back to it.

8. Remember when I had a nanny, a cook, a housekeeper and a tutor for my children? Yeah, me neither.

9. What do you all do to get yourself motivated in the winter?

10. This post is exhausting, I need to go lie down and ignore myself.


Anonymous said...

I heat with wood. There is no better motivator for me than to want to be warm. Really warm, without guilt or worry about how I'd pay the propane bill. But it also means that I have to get out every day to bring in wood, take out ashes, & split more wood on the warmer winter days. I wonder how long I'll be able to do it, as I am retired and you know, old and all. But as long as I can, I will.

Gladys said...

I read something funny. A book, a cartoon or watch a funny movie. I have a problem with getting motivated up here in Moantana since the sun doesn't rise until noon. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yea. Got the disorder here too. We live in a small house and the kids are NOISY. Doesn't help.
I'm a potter and I have a lovely studio and a new gas kiln. I have a goal to work for (Open Studio and Blossom Festival in the spring) but I can't seem to get my hiney out there. It's COLD out there. The clay is cold. The stool is cold. The air is cold.
Motivation? Inspiration? Where art thou?

Lisa said...

Okay, I'm really completely unmotivated in the winter, so I'm no help at all. Maybe imagine it's spring outside???

Rhea said...

Winter energizes me. Extreme heat shuts me down.

We need to switch lives for a little while or something.

Quit yer doin'. I like that.

Leila said...

1) I have that seasonal thing too. I do what Gladys something your blog!!

2) I hate coupons.

3) I love Anonymous, he or she is so cute.

4) You got your three columns!! I am in awe. You are the bomb.

Linda said...

Motivated? You're asking the gal who's sitting here bundled up on the couch and totally ignoring the laundry that needs to be folded. Ugh. I make lists. And then get depressed wondering how and when I'm going to get it all done. I always have tomorrow to make another attempt. It's January, I always let January go, it's a hibernating month.

Anonymous said...

well usually i am of the read a good book and become absorbed into the story ...and forget about everthing else...however this year is diffrent God has laid something new in my life ,i am gonna try to be a nurse i have been a stay at home mom for 10 yrs now .now that my little one is in kindergarten, im off on a new journey in my life so now i radiate between extreme excitement and anxiety,and a little bit of staring off in space!!so as that guy says change ia a comming!! so i recomend for yer blahs try something new this year

Rosie_Kate said...

I just recently posted about how I only seem to be motivated to do things that involve the oven or the woodstove. I had all these plans for sewing projects and watercolor painting that I was going to do over the winter, but so far none of them are happening.

And whenever I try to do something, I can't walk by the woodstove without stopping to toast my buns and it really slows me down...

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

WE /I am having the same I cannot get motivated even though I have 10000 things to do,should do,can do...
Because it is too hot!
It got to 40 degrees here today!ugh!
Even the chooks have decided it's too hot to lay...4 eggs from 8 chooks!
I wish they'd "quit yer doin" and get back to giving some googies

Joy said...

Well, I read a book in 24 hrs since last night to this evening. :( Not very motivating, is it?!

Tanning beds work for the sun part but I'm broke and can go. :(

So, EAT MORE CHOCOLATE! That's what I'm trying anyway. ;)

Sharon said...

I moved to Florida. Now my winters are happy and my summers are hot and humid and I a hibernate inside. But at least the sun is shining. And I take drugs. ;)

MrsMama said...

To deal with Winter Butt Syndrome, try what I do: get up and start the day with at least 3 cups of coffee, then get out of house and exercise vigorously, then come home and snarf carbs and chocolate until you fall into a carb-induced coma (NAP) and proceed to ignore all life and its subsequent responsibilities until its time to pick up the kids.

grandmamargie said...

On cold, rainy, winter days I like to cook. Don't know why but I do. Also, when the sun is shining (and the wind not blowing) I try and spend a little time outside.

Jenni said...

I think I have that seasonal disorder too. Even just cloudy days any time of year kinda depress me. One thing I've found that helps is forcing myself to get outside anyway. That's not hard when I have to go feed the animals. On mornings like this (not that cold but looking very bleak), I hang onto my morning coffee and dilly dally a lot before finally getting outside to do the chores. Once I get outside, though, I wonder why I waited so long. If I've dressed properly, it really isn't that bad, and I always come back inside refreshed physically and mentally. So my advice is to get outside anyway and get some fresh air and possibly a little exercise.

My other suggestion is to go to Target. Do not go to Walmart because the atmosphere there is about as bleak and depressing as you can find. Plus, the lighting will zap your brain and make you forget why you came there and the little yellow smilies will hypnotize you and force you to buy things just because they say they're on sale. Target is an even greater temptation, but it has a much nicer atmosphere. As I browse the aisles full of bras that match dinner plates that match comforters, I've found it is helpful to repeat one key phrase continually: "Get thee behind me Satan!" Of course, if other customers hear you muttering this to yourself or occasionally shouting it loudly as your right hand tries to wrestle that set of placemats that match your daughter's comforter from your left hand, you may find security escorting you out of the store.

As for starting posts and not being able to finish them, I find I can avoid that altogether if I just write long enough comments on other blogs. You don't know how much you've helped me this morning.

Cyndi B. said...

Completely understand the "winter shutdown." I have that disorder myself. It's gotten so bad, my youngest teenager spent her day off cleaning the house.

Maybe I should have "winter shutdown" more often...

Tracie said...

It is so darn cold here that all I want to do is just crawl under my blankets and do nothing. I hope you find some motivation soon....then send me some!

Anonymous said...

I have been in a funk since Thanksgiving! It's been really bad this year. Finances, work, blah, blah, blah. I've been going through my seed catalogs and making detailed lists of all the things I'm going to plant in my garden this spring/summer. That helps a little.


Anonymous said...

Right now I'm so tired I could sleep all day. When it's cold I shut down. The sun is finally peeking out but its too late I'm done for.
Anyone have a warm quilt I can wrap up in? Or want to come watch my kids so I can nap?

Amy said...

I LOVE that! "Quit yer doin!" Heehee - my happy thought for the day! : )
I got myself a light. What a difference! In the Great White North it's a life saver!
I also had to do something very hard, and send my baby to Kindergarten because I couldn't "deal" with his needs, the housework,being unemployed, blah, blah...
So I got a light AND joined the gym. It's the hardest thing to do, hauling ass to the gym in -37C weather, but I feel 100 times better after I'm done. Hopefully I'm a better mom for it too. (And I've lost 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks!) Plus I've managed to barter my membership costs for teaching yoga classes once a week. So I'm still broke, but at least I'm happier and healthier. A little. I still can't wait for summer to get here though...and for someone to wash my dishes.

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving for Hawaii in February, so I've been tanning my hide in preparation. I even wrote a blog about burning my Anywho, since I've been tanning my mood has been better and I've been accomplishing more. Though, Dave Ramsey would probably frown on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm relieved to know I'm not alone. My Mom called and feels the blahs too so we ordered a bunch of liquid vitamins off i-herb.
Then I come over here and see it's a common occurence all around.

Sara said...

I was just thinking that very thing about the seasonal blahs. I was also thinking about having to castrate baby pigs. Not the worst chore, but not the best either. But nevermind. And I LOVE 'Quit yer doin'!' That is perfect!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. What I need to say is this please tell me how you get motivated to do pottery again because even though I have retrieved my wheel from my father I haven't touched it, oh...bad!

Lynn in WI said...

Old advice, but it works for me: get outside everyday no matter what the weather.

When the sun finally returns, like it did today, it feels like summer even when it's 18 degrees.

Anonymous said...

January is an extremely despressing month for me. The holidays are over and there is absolutely nothing to look forward to in this month (other than then the new seed catalogs). Now, February, is another thing. While it is a winter month, it is a short month (and you can start planning your garden, based off of your seed catalogs). It gets you 2-3 days faster to the next month. March is unpredictable, but you are pretty much guaranteed at least a couple of warm days (plus you can start all of those seeds your ordered). Which then leads you into April. While it always snows in April, you know it is Winter's last gasps and that Spring will always prevail. And you can start planting your hardier veggies and herbs. And dont' get me started about May...

Teresa said...

Dear Ms. April,
Firstly, I have SADT. Sad all the dern time. I have my up times, like anytime I'm actually having a conversation with someone; and then there is the rest of the time, when I have a conversation with myself. Sometimes I think about the SADT times and I realize, that no matter what, I will never reach the standards that I have set for myself. But there are the very few times that I have met the needs of someone that needed me. Thank goodness, for that. I need to say this, Pioneer Woman is entertaining and inspiring. Your sister, CDW, is so funny sometimes I blow pop out of my nose, if I happen to be taking a drink while reading her blog. But you cause me to reflect on my life while blowing pop out of my nose! This winter hold your head up to the dimly lit sun, it is there behind the clouds! You are an inspiration! Thank you especially for your post about the homeless, you do inspire!

Phelan said...

Head over to my blog, I answered those questions you asked the other day.

April Bourgois said...

Knowing I get to see the fat, healthy deer if I get my butt going early is a great motivator! That and not living in the desert anymore!

I had SAD when I lived in Northern Europe and can assure you those lights work like a top if you start in the early autumn. Bonus: you gotta just sit there and look so you've got time to read, write, or sort stuff.

Enjoy the homeless gig. I did the same thing with my church for my birthday. Best birthday ever.

Vickie said...

Motivated - what's that? I have dedicated the whole month of January to resting. I am only doing the necessary things (dishes, laundry, etc.)until February 1st. It seems like the holidays really took it out of me this year. On February 1st I will MAKE myself get up and take one room at a time and deep clean it. Pray for me!;)

Daisy said...

Hi, April,
Does it scare you that random people like me end up reading your blog? I hope not, because I LOVE it! You make me laugh, even when you're depressed!
I am currently in "I really want to move to the country" mode, so looking at your farmhouse (and knowing it's exactly the area I want to be in) makes me salivate. Maybe a brisk spring market could get our house sold?? :D
Karen F.

Lisa said...


Lisa said...

Hey, about the mudroom/closet. Did you ever see this awesome and simple transformation this smart homeowner did?! I think it sounds like something you need. Hugs from Maine