Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cheap Cheap Bok Bok

Is it time for another installment of how April and Clay are now the cheapest people in the world because they are bent on getting out of debt forever and ever amen? Why, yes!

Remember when I told you that I wasn't going to buy any new clothes for myself until April, which is the month, not me, I am April, but I'm talking about the month, which I was named after because that's when I was born. Confused? Run-on sentence much?

My mom gave me some money for Christmas to go buy some clothes. In particular she wanted me to go buy some new bras because the day I decided I wasn't going to buy any new clothes until my birthday one of my bras self destructed right off my body, it was strange, but I was determined not to buy anything no matter what. So I've been dealing with a dark brown bra that I can't wear under light colored clothing, a bra that squeaks every time I move my arms or flex my pectoral muscles and a weird tank top bra that stretches in all different directions making me pull and tug at myself the entire time I'm wearing it.

I was so excited I was going to get some new clothes! The day after Christmas I grabbed my very reluctant shopper of a daughter and hit the stores. I ended up spending most of the money on my daughter because the poor dear needed some new clothes too, and she can't bring herself to pick out clothes by herself, it's a very painful and unpleasant experience to shop with her. After I took care of her, I managed to buy a new pair of jeans and a couple of sweaters for myself. No bras. When my mom found out what I got she said, "Where are the bras?" and I said, "Mom, nobody sees my bras, but I do have one that people can hear."

I was so happy that I had two decent pairs of jeans to wear and do you know what happened the day after I bought my new jeans? DO YOU! I ripped a big hole in the knee of my older pair. So, really I didn't gain any new jeans I just replaced the pair that died.

So, I am the one pair of decent jeans- squeaky-bra-lady with the big bad bangs. I tell ya, this whole debt reduction thing is like eating a big honkin' slice of humble pie every ding dang day!


Megan said...

I feel ya, girl. We are in debt reduction too (now we are down to school loans... but we're about to buy a house, so...) haha We have a "clothing budget" it's supposed to get 20 bucks a month, but we havent put any money in for months, because we can't justify it. And our haircut budget - 10 bucks a month. Guess how many times we have set that aside.... yup. Altho I did cut his hair for the first time last week. Went pretty well!

Jean Martha said...

Don't make me do an April Bra Benefut Auction on my blog...

It's me said...

I sometimes think I'll be in debt forever. It's good to hear somebody someplace is moving forward.

We're lucky. Husband taught himself to cut his own hair while in the military and still does to this day. Me? I just let mine grow and wear braids - the hairstyle of the lazy.

Now go buy a bra, dangit. Nothing makes you feel cared for like a new bra. Which is pathetic, yes, I know. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! I am still laughing out loud!

I love the description, "bra you can hear."

Oh my...that's gonna stick with me for quite a while.

Unknown said...

HAHA! I totally understand this! Unfortunately for me my Mom and Husband have figured out my game and give me gift certificates to stores only I can shop in, like Lane Bryant. Darn them!

Jenni said...

I really hate to shop for clothes, too. Not my girls. They can shop and shop and never stop--even if it's just window shopping.

I would have done the same thing and bought whatever my kids needed first and then bought the jeans. My reasoning would have beent the exact same as yours--no one sees my bras. It sure is nice to treat myself to a nice VS bra once every five years or so, though, lol. I love 'em, but it kills me to spend that much on a bra that no one will see. And then, of course, Danny says, "If you were going to spend $40 on a bra, why didn't you get something other than white?" I think he has underwear and lingerie confused. Actually, I think he thinks there should just be the lingerie category, whereas I lean more toward underwear only since that is the practical category.

Oh sheesh! I did it again. I'm glad you like my guest posts because I really have no control.

Tricia said...

Dude!! I have a bra you can hear!! What is UP with THAT?? It makes me CUH-RAZY!! and if I am in the middle of one of my "mommy freak out moments" know where I am yelling and cleaning and sweating and already annoyed and then my darn bra almost sends me over the edge!! The fact that I still wear it may or may not say something about issues I have.

Carla said...

Hahaha. And I thought my bras were bad. What's a lack of support compared to a bra you can hear? I have two decent pair of jeans and two decent bras. God forbid I have a clothing malfunction any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Aww....good luck with the bra thing. It's a curse to have to replace a good bra because you've worn it until it's a poor shredded thing held together with one last crooked hook (the others were destroyed in the dryer) and maybe a safety pin. I wore a nursing bra for YEARS after drying up because the thing fit so dang perfectly.
Who wants to try on 39 bras in the dressing room to find just the right one? Not me. So I take my chances and pay my money. Then I get home and find out that the thing makes the girls face in opposite directions with funny little square points. Or the wires restrict inhalation and inflict pain on exhalation. Or the cups runneth over causing unsightly and hazardous spillage. And the skinny straps, the scratchy lace, the saggy fabric....somebody stop me.

So good luck with that.

Rhea said...

I hadn't bought a new bra in YEARS, and my mother and grandmother took me shopping for Christmas...and bought me FOUR bras. Now my girls are lookin' good. (I'd been wearing a sports bra that made me have a constant mono-lump) I'm pathetic, I know.

BTW, is anyone ever named April who isn't born in April? I mean, it'd be weird to be named that and not born then. Or named May if you weren't born in the month of May...

Or what if your name was Summer and you were born in WINTER?!

Linda said...

We could be twins in the pathetic-bra-and-only-one-pair-of-jeans department. You're singing my song, tellin' my tale, advertising my woe ... sad but true.

But you're getting out of debt ... so a big Woohoo for you ... it's a good thing!

jean said...

You realize this is just Clays way of keeping you braless, right?

Molly said...

Thank you, April, and thank you other ladies because I came home from work REALLY needing a laugh, and I sure did, the tears are still running down my face. One bra only, monobust, bra you can hear, one poor shredded thing held by one hook and maybe a safety pin...I can't breathe I'm laughing so much...

Cycle Mom said...

Molly just referred me to your site because I haven't been having the greatest week. She said she was still crying over it. Now, I have mascara all down my face. My household of boys keep running upstairs to see what I am laughing about - only I can't even begin to explain it to them.

Thanks for sharing. (And, by the way, I have had ALL the above issues, including the nursing bra for...well...let's just say after I needed it.)

Anonymous said...

As if your post wasn't funny enough! All these comments are hysterical. I did do a double take on Clayvessel... I thought that was your husband leaving a comment. I got it now. Good thing he doesn't wear nursing bras. I really would have wondered bout y'all.

Takin' time to smell the flowers! said...

Just be happy you need a bra! Seriously, no, sadly my well ran dry 3 kids ago. Good for you though, we also, like so many these days, are trying to get rid of our debt. I love reading your blog, not to mention we have a name in common. Except my birthday isn't actually in April it's in August. Go figure? ~April too

Anonymous said...

Goodwill - you can find some decent clothes there for pretty cheap. $3 jeans, can't beat that.

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Molly sent me your way and I'm so glad! This is hilarious! I remember after my sister's wedding I had about 1000 bobby pins in my hair and set off the metal detector at the airport on my way home. I looked at the security guy, pointed at my hair (this was the NEXT morning) and said "Wedding. Not. Taking. Them. All. Out." So he was like "that's fine!" A lady with one of those metal wands came from out of nowhere and sure enough my hair set the thing off and as she ran it down the rest of me, it beeped over ONE of my boobs (bra with underwire) but not the other boob. THAT underwire had come out! So she passed it over that boob again because it didn't make a sound.

Then I started giggling and said "um, the underwire came out a LONG time ago." THANK GAH she was a lady because she cracked up too and said "oh honey, I've got a drawer full of 'em like that at home!"

Unknown said...

molly sent me over becaue she said this post made her laugh hysterically and I SOOOO agree.

How funny is it that the item we need to pay the most attention to is the one that we ignore?

April, you always crack me up.


Country Girl said...

Hey, April. I came over via Molly's blog and was astounded to find someone else besides myself who uses the phrase "ding dang". Only I add diddly at the end.

April funny.

Unknown said...

My youngest daughter USED TO hate to shop--she once said she'd prefer to go nekkid. Then, one day, she discovered, now when we shop, we shop for her and I spend my money on her....