Thursday, January 03, 2008

Dancing Dorkwads

If you don't mind just tilting your head a bit...

I don't know why we do the things we do.  Ever since I can remember, Clay and I have performed little dance moves that we find humorous and blurt out, "Hey!  Try this." Then the other person says, "You're stupid" and stands still for about four seconds before the urge to try the stupid dance move takes over and  it's So, You Think You Can Dance....gone wrong. 

This move I created, but couldn't do it for the life of me.  You have to swish your arms and legs in the same direction as fast as you can and then change you arms to go opposite without stopping your feet.  Understand?  No?  That's okay, my brain couldn't make my arms go opposite without my feet stopping.


You're all trying it right now, aren't you?  You know you want to.  


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww... y'all are freaks! I love it!

I will never tape myself or my husband dancing. Everyone would be too jealous. I just soooooooo mad myself laugh.

Crunchy Chicken said...

That was an amazing display of coordination. And I am left a bit saddened by it all.

Now, please. Turn off the pop-up comments. It drive me crazy!

April said...

Really? I like the pop up comments. What am I missing? I like not having to hit the back button. No?

I'll try this for a bit, but I'm not making any promises.

Cynthia said...

I love pop up comments. Sorry Crunchy.

My 6 year old watched the movies and then danced for ten minutes saying, "It's not that hard!"

She looked like she was having a spasm!

OOOPS. She is 7. Oh my BABY.....

Crunchy Chicken said...

Ahhh. This is sooo much better. I could write comments for hours now.

And it makes your dancing so much better! I can't believe how coordinated the two of you have suddenly become.

Robbyn said...

Ahhhh hahaha!!! LOVE it!!

It's really extra special seeing it at a complete right angle...heh heh

Rechelle said...

My neck hurts.

Jean Martha said...

you're both so adorable that I require a rolaids now.

The SullaVinos: said...

Sadly, I do want to try! How fun!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh to be so coordinated. You guys are so crazy. I love that Clay will do this with you....Dave won't satisfy my need to dance, especially since I usually succeed in making a fool of myself and him. So off I go to dance for my grown kids who groan and cry.

Sorry about the deleted comment....twas me, the fool whom could not spell, I admit.

AnchorMama said...

I'm not even going to try it. I'm laughing too hard. :)

Anonymous said...

Let's go to Casa Loma and make everyone jealous!

yes-I tried it and can do it-now I need to see if John can or would even try...hmmm

April said...

Debbie, I had no doubt this would be an easy step for you!