Saturday, December 01, 2007

Sitting and Waiting

It is finished, I pulled the trigger, I stepped off the edge, I took the plunge, I bit the bullet. For awhile I was stuck in a round-a-bout wondering which way to go? Then I got dizzy, puked, passed out and made a sharp right. I awoke fresh with a clear head, put the pedal to the metal and now I'm headed down a long black strip of highway leading to my final destination. I'm not going back.

I'm talking about the living room furniture-makeover-redo-decorating gala of the century, of course. What did you think I was talking about? Geesh!
I know I said I was going to go with the Room and Board couches. I loved them. I wanted them. I had a short steamy love affair with them. I dreamed of teasing them with my Swiffer while dusting the floors but then I woke up and felt the shame. I hid in my bathroom for a week hoping the couches wouldn't haunt my dreams.
I just couldn't carry on a relationship with a piece of furniture that I hadn't physically touched I liken it to a handsome actor on screen. They look tall, strong, demure but in reality, they're short, have acne and wear acid wash jeans. Then there was Clay who yearned to do the horizontal flop in which he tests the couch for napablility, snooze-worthiness if you will.
With that said, we ended up at Discovery Furniture in Topeka, Kansas. It's a veritable wonderland of loveliness, however their website looks like crap-on-a-stick, I'm just sayin', you'll not find a link here.

I became the fabric coordinator extraordinaire, but only after I made four trips back and forth from my house to Discovery Furniture to make certain that this bit of fabric would take the beauty of my house, bask in the glow of wonderful that is the old house without burning, scorching or causing a stench in the room that it will reside.

Now I sit and wait and wait and wait. Probably until January. I ordered everything in early November, but there was a fabric mill that closed and that's causing delays in the fabric industry.
That's okay, I'll sit on our futon and garage sale rejects until then. Then I'll show you all the real pictures.


Jean Martha said...

You're breaking my Room & Board lovin' heart. Sniff. Sniff.

Rechelle said...

acid washed jeans? har har har

Anonymous said...

Making decor decisions and buying furniture makes me break out in a rash. In fact, just reading this post made my eye twitch. How can you take the pressure?

Anonymous said...

We are sitting and waiting for you to write something new and funny, maybe even Christmas-y?

Cynthia said...

I hate making decisions. I like the fabric that looks like a wreath. There, I made the decison for you.

Now you can write a new post:-)

Anonymous said...

LOL over the last two comments. I was going to post something similar.

Hope everything is okay out yonder and that you are just living real life. Hope you come back and visit blog world soon.

Anonymous said...

FOUR trips to Topeka??? That's a lot!