Toys Find New Home
A few weeks ago a neighboring subdivision was have a HUGE GARAGE SALE!!! Are they really selling huge garages? I also like signs that advertise HUGE Multi-Family Sale! I wonder what a multi-family is going for these days.
Anyway, I went to the HUGE GARAGE SALE!! To see if anyone might be selling a really cute dresser to put in my boys room. We drove through the curvy wooded drives checking out the junk, the rif-raf, the discards that people wish you would pay for, the damaged goods and the mid 80's decor in mauve, beige and gray. I was just about ready to offer people my truck to haul their crap to the dumpster when we located a heaven on earth for boys.
An older woman sat reading a book, sitting beside her were several Rubbermaid containers full of joy. One container had nothing put Playmobile, another full to the brim with Legos and the last one was all Lord of the Rings action figures. She had a table full of PlayStation games and on the ground laid roller blades and baseball gloves. Every item was in pristine condition. I was afraid to ask her what had happened to the children that these wonderful and obviously expensive toys belonged to. She must have seen the concern on my face because she offered up that her only child, a son, was now 16 and had outgrown these toys.
My 11yo son was with me and I let him choose what he wanted to bring home. We are now the proud owners of a bunch of Lord of the Rings characters and a new PlayStation game. I was the greatest mom in the world for bringing those toys home and now they are spread all over my house, being utterly all good toys should.
The one toy in the box that I could have lived without is this one...
But why April? It looks like a glob of spinach around an egg. What's so wrong with that?
Well, it's not spinach, but egg might be sort of correct.

mmmm Blueberry buckle...blueberry ANYTHING!
Yeah, that toy is disgusting, I'm sure it's every young boys dream :)
Ah, the treasures (and sometimes worthless crap) that you can find at garage sales sure make life interesting...that pod o' orc spawn definitely receives my nod for yuckiest toy ever (I'd like to have been a fly on the wall in the marketing meeting where the "spawn's" creator pitched the idea to his boss). (-:
(but laughing hysterically)
Oh boy. That looks so gross. Which means it will be their favorite toy! I feel sorry for your daughter and her dessert. Maybe some whipped cream on top?
score! you hit the garage sale jackpot! wooo hooo! the brainy thing is REALLY REALLY REALLY gross. i guess that only an 11-year-old boy could enjoy that ;-p
oooh, and thank you for the linkage :-)
Blueberries are just coming into season here. Will you please share the blueberry buckle recipe? All the ones I saw online look more cake-like, your daughter's looks WONDERFUL!
I hope the recipe doesn't include a ground up Orc thing toy!
i am about a week behind on your blog i see... guess i should've begged for my link when i saw you on sunday instead of rambling on about thick hair and being tall! oh well, if ya like, you can put my link back up. i have that whole not wanting to be pushy characteristic that is ever so prevalent in my personality, so making this comment for me is HUGE. not as HUGE as the garage sale, I see, or as huge as your find which incidentally, does look exactly like the blueberry buckle and i actually thought they were two pictures of the same thing until you explained! I've never been to a garage sale. I wonder if you know me well enough to not be surprised by that ;) maybe i should start though- not for the ork toy, but the playmobile and lego stuff would be quite the find!
umm,'s ORC, not Ork...geeze
I ate brains once and they were pretty good. But, not as good as blueberry buckle.
That is the grossest toy. My boys would love it. Can I have the recipe for the buckle? Or you could post pictures of your daughter making it??? :-)
Where are you???? I need an April fix!
Are you on vacation? I hope everything is ok, I miss reading your daily updates.
hellooooo....where are you? I miss you.
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