Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year, Old Things
What I'm hoping this new year will bring.
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8:17 PM
Labels: Me
Friday, December 28, 2007
Take that cookie and shove it!
I can hardly wait to visit my children when they are grown. This Christmas season as I look around my house I find myself planning the wonderful times we’ll have together.
I’ll arrive a few weeks before Christmas so I can help decorate. First, I’ll take the lights outside and bang them on the side of the house. After I’ve broken half the strand and tied it into knots I’ll toss it on the roof and exclaim, “That is soooooo beautiful!”.
I’ll beg, plead, cry and argue about whose turn it is to put the star on top of the tree. Then I’ll insist it’s my turn and would my children please hoist me up to the top so I won’t break a hip?
I’ll look appreciatively at the nativity scene then hide Baby Jesus in the toy chest, pop the head off one of the Wisemen and glue it back on with cranberry sauce.
I’ll volunteer to make sugar cookies. I’ll leave bits of dough under the sink, in the pantry and I’ll use some to make a Santa face on the oven door. When I clean up, I’ll thoroughly dust the kitchen with flour before taking a wet rag to wipe down the surfaces leaving behind a nice crusty haze. Then I’ll eat all the cookies.
I’ll want to make crafts. Lots and lots of crafts that require large amounts of glitter, glue and tiny pieces of paper. I’ll set up my crafting on the dining room table. I’ll get tired after building several three dimensional glitter-glue-paper objects and need to take a nap on my children’s bed where I’ll shed all the glitter, glue and paper off my clothes.
I’ll eat nothing but candy for three days then vomit piles of chocolate-peppermint-cinnamon-orange on every rug, pillow, blanket and shoe they own. When they offer me a plastic bucket, I’ll refuse and tell them, “No thanks, I feel much better now.”
I’ll use three rolls of wrapping paper to wrap a gift card.
I’ll hide the scotch tape in my car and put the scissors in the dryer.
I’ll violently shake all the packages under the tree and repeatedly say, “THIS BETTER NOT BE CLOTHES!!!”
Right before we leave for Christmas Eve services at church I’ll spill juice on the kids’ new outfits, pour mud in their shoes and hide them outside.
When Christmas dinner is served I’ll heap my plate with mashed potatoes and bread then tell my children how bad everything smells and I’m not very hungry.
On my way out the door I’ll give them all a hug, tell them how much I love spending Christmas with them, then smash six ornaments, just because.
poured out by
9:58 AM
Labels: My Family
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I'm in love with Craig
Have I told you all how much I love Craig's list? Well, I do. I've sold stuff that I would never in a million years thought I'd be able to get rid of. Today, I bought a 10 drawer dresser for my little boys. Guess how much? That's right, forty bucks.
poured out by
6:59 PM
Labels: Me
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Musty Santa
Mom, what's a musty Santa?
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11:03 PM
Labels: kids
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas
Tonight during the candle light service I caught my hair on fire and dripped wax on my new pants.
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9:23 PM
Labels: Me
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dear Hanley Fadder
I found my address book. It was in the strange antique cabinet thingy. I'd love to show you a picture of it and the old pedestal table that I just brought home from being repaired, but I CAN'T FIND MY CAMERA PLUG THINGY!!!!
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10:28 AM
Labels: My Family
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Man Stroke Woman: How women get away with farting
Clay and I laughed so stinking hard at this....STINKING HARD!!!!
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9:54 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Mary, DID YOU KNOW....or did that whole angel appearing to you leave you sticken?
Oh manonmanomanoman, I'm trying very, very hard not to make fun of people. It's so mean spirited and totally defeats any chance of me marketing the WWJD merchandise here on my blog. Instead I'll just pose this question.
poured out by
4:05 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Bathroom Blogging
So, this is what it's come to. I'm blogging in the bathroom. Don't worry, as tempted as I am to go deeper into this topic, I will spare you.
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10:10 PM
Labels: Me
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monogram This
My mom will be so proud, I got out the iron!
poured out by
9:05 PM
Ice Ice Baby...
We're in the middle of an ice storm and hopefully, we won't loose power again. It went out about 3 a.m and then all the hard wired fire detectors started going off. It was so stinkin' loud, we were trying to figure out how to turn them off in the pitch black. It scared the bajeebas out of Ike and he didn't know what to do, so he just sat in his top bunk and cried until I was able to feel my way to his bed and rescue him. Eventually, they went off, but I'm not sure how we did it or if we did it. After that we had two little boys in our bed. Two little boys that turn into giant coal fired furnaces and make it their mission to see just how small a space their parents can cling to and still stay on the bed.
poured out by
10:04 AM
Labels: The Land of Ahhhs
Monday, December 10, 2007
Woman finally caves to society's pressure.
Sorry, no time to post. Finally, reading Harry Potter. I put it off until I knew I'd have time. Right before the holidays seemed like a wise time...puh!
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9:02 AM
Labels: Me
Friday, December 07, 2007
Christ's Mass
I've been looking for an Advent calendar that apparently doesn't exist. I've found lots of books, chocolate calendars, cards, and expensive wood statue triptychs, but not the calendar I'm envisioning. While I've been searching for this calendar, I was reminded of the Jesse tree. I don't have a Jesse tree, but I'd like to have one. Most people make them and that's probably what I will do when I have a crafty moment.
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4:18 PM
Labels: Crafty
Little Treasures
This deserves an explanation. Unfortunately, I don't have the time. So, I leave you wondering, what the holly tarnation!
poured out by
9:18 AM
Labels: weird posts about nothing
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Sitting and Waiting
It is finished, I pulled the trigger, I stepped off the edge, I took the plunge, I bit the bullet. For awhile I was stuck in a round-a-bout wondering which way to go? Then I got dizzy, puked, passed out and made a sharp right. I awoke fresh with a clear head, put the pedal to the metal and now I'm headed down a long black strip of highway leading to my final destination. I'm not going back.

poured out by
3:25 PM
Labels: The Farmhouse