Full Tilt
It is impossible for Clay to play any sport half-ass. It just isn't possible. He says, "April, I play full tilt!" Yes, he does, and because of his over zealous playing he is always sporting an injury.
He's had a sprained ankle, a crushed calf muscle and one time he went to church with a black eye and the imprint of the softball's threads on his face. He has a crooked pinkie finger, a scar on every possible facial feature and he requires an ankle brace when he plays basketball.
In other words, he's a mess.
Here's his latest battle wound. A mangled pinkie finger from playing softball. It looked like he slipped one of those fake fingers on that squirt water out of the nail when you show someone how gross your finger looks. Or maybe, it just looked like he was saving a black olive on his pinkie to eat later.
Either way he didn't bother telling me about it until I reached out to hold his hand and he winced a bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, it's just my finger, I hurt it trying to catch a ball. Ya know, cuz I play FULL TILT!"
EEWWWW! It looks like it should be throbbing.
Ok, that just looks awful. And to think he did not tell you about it when it happened!
Ick! It does look like there is a black olive in there. I hope that it is better now.
By the way, I didn't "wince," I simply raised my eyebrow a bit...
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